We hope that all campers will arrive ready to join in and have fun. It is expected that campers will be cooperative and attentive to staff members at all times. We reserve the right to remove any camper from the program, without refund, if the camper uses drugs, alcohol, endangers the lives of others or self, or consistently disregards staff instructions. PLEASE NOTE: Refunds are not available for campers who leave camp due to homesickness, behavior, or general health reasons.
Cell Phones at Camp.
Campers are not allowed to have cell phones at camp. Cell phones brought to camp will be confiscated and given back at the end of the camper’s session.
Camp phones are not available to campers. Please, do NOT give your child permission to call home or allow him or her to bring a cell phone. Sometimes, when a camper believes he/she has permission to call home, he/she may focus on calling home instead of getting involved in camp activities.
Camp staff will contact you if your child needs you. You can contact the camp by phone or email if you are concerned about your child.
Camp staff will check on your camper and return your call or email. Please phone Mae at 812-988-2839, ext. 122 or e-mail [email protected].
Health Care at Camp
CYO Camp employs a nurse for Fall Weekend. The nurse provides health screenings, take care of campers and staff that are sick or injured, talk to parents, and distribute medications to campers who need them. All health care at CYO Camp is under the guidance of the camp doctor (off-site) and their standing orders, and ACA guidelines. Campers who arrive at camp ill or injured will be asked to reschedule their camp session.
Campers MUST have a Health History Form completed prior to attending camp. This is part of the online registration process. Campers do not need a physical to attend camp.
All prescription medications must be in their original container AND for the prescribed person. Please bring just enough for the time at camp rather than your child’s entire supply.
Non-prescription/over-the-counter medication including ointments, sprays, etc. may be brought to camp. However, the Camp maintains a stock of over-the-counter medications for your child to use during their stay with us. If your child uses a non-prescription medication on a regular basis, they should bring their own.
Medication brought to camp must be checked in and may not be stored with the camper’s personal gear or in the cabin. ALL medication MUST be turned in during check-in upon arrival to camp AND MUST be in its original container.
You may change medication listed for your camper in your account any time before 8 am on check-in day.
Medication includes: Prescription Drugs (including ointments, creams, eye drops, or ear drops), Non-prescription medications, Homeopathic Remedies (Includes essential oils that are ingested), Vitamins and Supplements, Inhalers and Epi-pens (may be carried by your child’s counselor after checking them in)
Should your child need medical care as listed below, someone will call you. .
Camper has COVID-19 symptoms.
Camper is admitted to the Health Center and requires extended attention, treatment, or observation by the camp health staff.
Camper requires a visit to the doctor or hospital.
Camper is involved in a medical emergency.
Camper has declined or refused to take his or her medication.
Camper is seen more than 2 times for the same health concern, and it has not been resolved.
Camper vomits or has diarrhea.
Camper has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher.
Female camper has her first menstrual cycle.
Camper experiences a physical change such as excessive bug bites, rash, or sunburn.
The health staff has a medical/health-related concern about a camper for which they need parental guidance or clarification.
A staff member may also discuss any health-related concerns with parent(s) during check-out.
ACCIDENT INSURANCE Camp Rancho Framasa provides excess accidental medical expense coverage. This insurance pays for expenses’ remaining after a claim has been made on any existing coverage that is being carried on your child. Only in cases where there is an absence of coverage will this policy pay claims first. Normally, any remaining deductible and copay are paid under this policy. The policy is on file at the Catholic Youth Organization office. Staff at that office can be reached at 317-632-9311.