Position: Camp Dog by weekday, Best Friend by nights & weekends Willa, the one-year-old Golden Retriever with a heart as gold as her fur, holds the esteemed position of Chief Happiness Officer at CYO Camp Rancho Framasa. Her days are filled with tail wags and puppy charm, as she gracefully leaves a trail of fur wherever she goes, spreading joy, and reducing stress levels faster than you can say "Who wants a treat?". Willa takes her role seriously, often conducting impromptu meetings by the creek to discuss the latest in tennis ball technology and the importance of designated belly rub zones. Her office door is always open, and by open, we mean she might have nudged it ajar while searching for a lost toy or something to steal for attention.
Favorite Things at Camp: Willa's list of favorite things at Camp reads like a doggy dream come true. Her top pick? The daily runs through the woods, looking for water to splash in or wildlife to chase. Long golfcart drives around camp – with the wind in her fur, smelling all the smells. When not holding impromptu fetch workshops, Willa can be found perfecting the art of the “zoomies” finding the best place to run the fastest circle while staying close to the ground for the best aerodynamic form. Her secret hideaway? The soft pleather of the office couch, where she basks in the glow of sunshine that pours in the windows and dreams of endless fields filled with squeaky toys. Don't be surprised if you are greeted by Willa when you arrive at the camp office – she is always excited to meet new people (sometimes a little too excited).
Interesting Facts:
Despite her graceful appearance, Willa has an unparalleled ability to locate mud puddles within a five-mile radius. It's a skill she proudly displays during spontaneous lunchtime mud baths.
Willa waits for the day when someone will open both office door just enough and for just the right amount of time so that she can sneak out and run free. So do be careful when coming and going from the office or you will be on the longest canine chase of your life.
As the sun sets over hills of Brown County, you can find her nestled in her favorite spot, dreaming of new ways to make every day at the office a tail-wagging success.